
well this is a bit embarrassing since I'm about to make a social photo-sharing site and I can't get through the first tutorial ( I'm hoping that it will begin to make sense and i'm guessing its more straightforward than wordpress...

in part 1.4 (update your "Greetings" data source), the tutorial asks to modify Greetings elements from Blueprints->Components. However I don't see "Greeting" listed anywhere in the data sources column. continuing with the tutorial I created a master utility and modified home.xsl and (managed to) completely ruin the home page:

here's the picture: (

after finding backup of home.xls and overwriting the file I'm getting this error:

This is a really vicious loop and gotta stop before messing up server or my brain-nerves...

if I decide to continue with the tutorial I like to know what went wrong and i abort I like to point out that I found a list of tutorials here:

Hi Gransar, welcome back.

I can't quite figure out where you've got to, but it looks like you've started using the default "workspace" which is the blog site that comes bundled with Symphony when you install it from the zip file. While it's a great way to see a demo site, I recommend if you're starting from scratch with a tutorial that you install Symphony without the blog workspace. Just delete the whole /workspace folder before running the installer, and you'll end up with a silky smooth plain Symphony install.

Secondly, I think you've jumped ahead of yourself. Say Hello to Symphony is actually the second tutorial. The first is Say Hello to the World in which you will create the Greetings data source.

So I suggest ou reinstall Symphony from scratch without the default workspace, then work through both tutorials in order. It's worth it. You'll learn the concepts in no time :-)

Nick, might I point out that the links in the second tutorial are wrong?

Both links in the introduction point to which does not exist. Instead, they should link to

I continued messing up the system ... and I get various other errors now. I didn't want install without the workspace and that was one of my mistakes. However I did manage "hello world" fine and "say hello to the world" (which should probably be called "say hello to symphony") builds on that. I will reinstall from scratch. Thanks for your support.

Thanks Huib. I've reported these so hopefully Craig will find and fix.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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