

New to symphony so I am still working out how it puts things together. I had everything figured out for my current project, but have a new requirement that I am not sure quite how to address.

I have this kind of set up working already: /section /section/category /section/category/entry

and the page is getting cat/entry if present to know what to show based on filter in data source.

This seemed fine only now they want a 'view all' option, but maintain same type of url string. Only now, instead of 'category', it will be 'all-entries'. I was wondering what is the best way to work this feature into what I have.

I have considered:

  • Trying to create a separate page, using a separate data source and somehow inserting it into the mix so it gives serves for 'all-entries' statically when all other pages at that level are showing a category
  • I have also thought to remove filter altogether for category including all entries in xml and then I could use selective xpath queries to only show the ones I want, or all of them. However I am worried here about the overhead to gather everything and filter afterward
  • Modifying the current data source to accept filter for category as long as it not 'all-entries' and if so, use a wildcard for matching

Should I be trying something one of these ways for should I be taking a different path?



i believe the last time i did something similar to this, i abstracted the template into a separate file that i imported into one page, let's call it beers that accepted category/entry as parameters, and another page with beers as the parent called all that only accepted entry as as parameter.

this way it looks the same to the user, but it's technically 2 separate pages deferring to a shared template.

Thanks for the feedback, that seems like a good idea to try. I will try that route.


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