

I did the hello to the world and hello to Symphony tutorial.

Now I have a couple of questions before I can start making my own site.

1) What I want is a 2 level navigation where the first level is the category and the second level the months the articles are placed in the category. How can I do that ?

2) I have one template for the site but on the front-page and the photo-blog I don't need the posted date. Do I need to make 2 templates or can this be done in one.

3) How can I place a image in a text on a particular place.



Welcome to the Symphony community!

1) What I want is a 2 level navigation where the first level is the category and the second level the months the articles are placed in the category. How can I do that ?

Could you describe this in a little more detail? What do your sections look like?

2) I have one template for the site but on the front-page and the photo-blog I don't need the posted date. Do I need to make 2 templates or can this be done in one.

Check out Allen's article on overriding templates to see how you can accomplish this.

3) How can I place a image in a text on a particular place.

Could you provide some more context here? What exactly do you want to accomplish—is this in an entry in a section, or are you talking about something in your XSLT templates?


Of course I can.

1) Look for a example at my site now : htp:// and to the drop down menu. The home, zwangerschap will be my sections.

2) Thanks I wil look at it.

3) I mean a image in entry in a section. See also for a example :

I hope this is the info you asked for.


1) Perhaps you can have a look at how the archive in the default theme works as inspiration?

3) If you want it like on your site. You'll simply need to link to the image from within the body text of your article. Have a look at the extension 'Subsection manager'. It's a great extension for what you are trying to do.

3) I think roelof may mean controlling exactly where in the article text the image appears. I swear I've seen a tutorial on doing this somewhere, but can't find it...

David :

That's what i mean. Put a image exactly where I want it. If you find that tutorial. please let me now. Then I can make the site as want it.


I think I've found the article I was thinking of: Dynamic Image Placement in Symphony

This method allows you to type the number of the paragraph the image should be in. (Although I prefer my images not be inside p tags.)

I'd be interested to hear if anyone has another recommendation on how to do this.

Hello David,

Thanks for the tip. I will try it but I get doubts if the site which I want to convert is more maintainable then the site I now have if I need to write xml for every image I want to use.


It's templating, just like any other CMS would need. Using XSL is way more beneficial and better to use than a lot of other CMSs out there IMO.


But if I have 20 - 30 images on a site and I need to make 20 - 30 entry's with XSL then I think it's a lot of text that I hope later on I can find and see again how I have things done.


Hoi Roelof,

You could also give the extension ckeditor a try, it will give you control over placing images in your textarea to a certain extend, and doesn't require xslt manipulation.

I'd need to read through again and try it to be sure, but I don't think that method requires you to have different XML for every image/page. Once the XML template is set up, you should be able to control where in the text the images appear by using the 'Paragraph' input field.


Then I wait for your answer. but everyone thanks for the quick answers.



Then I wait for your answer.

Were you referring to me? If so, I won't be trying it out myself as I don't have need for it at the moment.


I have said that because you said I'd need to read trough again.


I was thinking you could read through again. :-)


But then I have to know what I can read trough again. The extension site don't give much info.


You really need to do all the tutorials and read the articles on this site. Also, can I suggest a little reading about how XSLT works in general to get an understanding of how templating with XSLT works.

@roelof, the article itself seems quite comprehensive, and this is what I was referring to when I spoke of reading: Dynamic Image Placement in Symphony. It will probably make more sense to you as you go through and follow the steps.

If you get stuck on any of the steps, post back here.


I also found this tutorial : Building a site with Symphony CMS, Part 1, 2 and 3 on this url :

So tommorow a lot to do.


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