
I have a fan-art page that contains several types of media, although for the moments it's only images and links to YouTube videos with a description of each video. Also, each entry has an author. I would like to distribute the content like this:

(Type of media)


(Fan-Art) (Fan-Art) (Fan-Art)

I have tried using sort and taking example from Symphony's default workspace, but I haven't been very successful. I'm wondering if for-each-group would be what I need to use?

Here's the XML with an entry of each media type.

Can you you direct me or help me build the XSLT to output the data like I mentioned above?

Sorry, I do not really understand what you are trying to do.

In your XML there is a different author for each fan-art, how do you want to display this? Maybe an html example (with the provided XML) will make it even clearer.

there are several sorting and grouping options in the data source editor. you might check them out.


I'm sorry for the confusion, that XML is incomplete. The original is far too long, so I took one entry of each media type. I meant something like this (HTML page). What I have trouble with the most is pulling out all the data linked to an author and categorising it by media type.


I'll check the datasource again, but what I have trouble with later is handling the sorting in the XSLT.

Thanks for replying. :)

have a look at this great write-up on the muenchian method. it allows for grouping in the xsl without knowing how many different groups you will have.

several of us have used this method before, so if you have any questions about it, fire away.

Thanks! I'll try that out. :)

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