

First off, thanks for authoring and supporting such a wonderful CMS/app framework. I've used quite a few CMS systems over the years and symphony is the first one where I feel more confident in the skills of the developers the deeper I get under the hood.

This is the first issue that I've been unable to resolve myself. I have a section called Individuals, and would like to add a File Upload field so that I can upload a picture for each Individual. I'd like to save these in a directory, /workspace/images/individuals.

However, when configuring the File Upload field, only 'workspace' shows on the Destination Directory dropdown. Assuming a perms problem, I experimentally switched perms to 777 for the /workspace/images directory. This didn't work - 'workspace' was still the only entry in the dropdown.

The apache user has rwx access to everything in /workspace.

I'm not sure where to proceed from here - any ideas?



I think I remember having this issue once, and I saved the section with the upload field pointing to workspace. Then I checked the selectbox after saving and the directory was there.

Did you create the folders after you opened the section editor? In this case you have so save your section first because Symphony fetches all available folders on page load (when the desired folders didn't exist yet).

Also make sure that workspace and the subdirectories you want to target are all writeable by the PHP process (workspace should probably also be executeable).

OK, I tried this:

  1. selected the Section, deleted the File Upload field, saved the change
  2. added the File Upload field back in, saved the change

No new directories have appeared in the Destination Directory popup - just the /workspace directory. I believe that process covers a couple of the suggestions y'all have made.

Here's a list of /workspace:

Those perms look a bit odd, they should probably all be www-data:info (the apache user:my group). The .png is the result from trying out the image upload set to /workspace. I'll get those perms cleaned up and see if that helps.

Thanks for your assistance!


workspace should probably also be executeable

I think that's what did it. Thanks guys!

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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