
Hey ho, just trying to reference a part of my XML for it's id and handle in another part of my XML.. it's a multilingual thing... is something like this even possible?

<a href="{$root}/{$url-language}/{appear-on-pages/page[@handle !='hafan']/[/data/navigation/page/@id = current()/id]/item/@handle}?title={title/@handle}" title="llun o/image of - {title}">

I get an error so I know what I have isn't working, but is it possible that I have the syntax in the wrong place? Can I have predicates within predicates in html links?

<a href="{$root}/{$url-language}/{appear-on-pages/page[@handle !='hafan' and @id = current()/id]/item/@handle}?title={title/@handle}" title="llun o/image of - {title}">

you can use 'AND' and 'OR' in xpath predicates. i'm not sure if what i gave you is the exact functionality you needed but it at least illustrates the ability to match multiple predicates.

I was thinking of AND in my sleep. will try today, thanks.


I created a variable in the entry matching template in the end.. matching ID's and switching the XPATH was the way to go.

so {/data/navigation/page[@id = $appear]/item/@handle} and the variable was called appear with this xpath: "/data/video-list/entry/appear-on-pages/page[@handle !='hafan']/@id"

This matches the first page that is selected in the selectbox link that isn't the home page (Hafan is welsh for Home).

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