
I'm having major problems with making this work in symphony:

<table width="1024" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td><img src="026.1.jpg" usemap="#Map" border="0"><img src="026.2.jpg"></td></tr></table>

can anyone help me? because I'm not sure how to convert this into .css and make it work right.

Symphony works with xml. You have to close your img elements.

I believe it's more than this because I have all kinds of errors.

Like this: XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet(): file:///K%3A/xampp/htdocs/lavaland/workspace/utilities/master.xsl:30: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: table line 30 and td

I hope someone could help me, and that's why I copy-pasted that code in html, instead of writing XML.

HELP. please :(

Those open img tags will cause the mismatch error you're getting. With XML, just keep in mind that all tags must be closed, but they can be self-closing. for instance, with your code, just replace:

   <img src="026.2.jpg">


 <img src="026.2.jpg" /> <!--(Note the slash at the end).-->

Since Symphony processes everything as XML, even your HTML needs to actually be XHTML, which pretty much just means making self-closing and
tags. If you've fixed the onse in this sample, you might want to look elsewhere in your source xml or your xsl for other un-closed elements.


OMG. I'm freaking out. What's wrong now!?!

<table width="1024"><tr><td><img src="..images/026.1.jpg" /><tr><td><img src="..images/026.2.jpg" /></tr></td></table>

diomed -

you got your html a little out of whack, try the following...

@ bzerangue: I swear, if you were here right now, I'd buy you a drink.

Code works perfectly. Thanks mate. This was priceless.

You have to make sure all your tags are closed.

html table freak-out. I've been there for sure....

no worries, also you might also let your CSS drive the width of your table.

table { width: 1024px;}

AND your image element, add the alt attribute describing what the image is (for accessibility purposes)

This is an image of 26.1

also, a great HTML resource... to help with issues like this table stuff is

this is probably very very stupid question, but being inside of that tables, can I position those images somehow in .css so that they would be centered?

They are actually 2 images which are one next to each-other, so they are composition of a bigger picture.

or could I maybe even put those images in .css as well? [or not]

try this css

table td { text-align: center; }

nope, it doesn't work. probably because those are images, and not text. to bad. they should probably invent something like: image-align:center [lol]

anyway, I'm struggling with something that would replace cellspacing=0 in css, but can't think of anything.

I'm trying this whole first code replace with .css

<table width="1024" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

and so far I've got this:

#table { 
    width: 1024px;

If you define the size of each td, I think you can safely specify the images as background-image for the TDs in css. This is very good if the images are more 'design elements' than they are 'content', since it makes your page more semantic, and helps with content-to-code ratio, etc.

It's been a while since I did much table styling, you might want to check on support for the background image approach. I seem to remember something ugliness involving blank gifs.

Those images really are 'design elements'. Can anyone think of with what I could replace cellspacing in .css, because I have 1 or 2 pixels of space between those 2 images, and I need no space at all.

try setting the img's css 'display: inline'.

unfortunately that doesn't fix it. if anyone has any other idea you might share, but I'm all right with support I've got so far. I can work with that. These other things are just ideas on how could I make it in different way, with less XML and more .css.

anyway, thanks for your support.

I'm really affraid to ask all those basic questions because I think you're all professionals and I'm just end user who wants to learn more about Symphony. I find it very interesting CMS.

No question is ever too basic — we all start somewhere :-)

OK I had it backwards. try 'display:block;'

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