
Not sure when this happened, but I'm getting this weird "jumping" effect in the admin of one of the sites i'm working on. When I load an admin page, everything looks fine:

Pre rollover

Then when I go and rollover one of the menu drop downs, the page shifts down:

Post rollover

has anyone experienced this before?

edit this actually happens whenever i do some sort of action on the page, not just rollover the drop down.

What browser are you using wtdtan?

And does it only happen in maintenance mode?

I noticed this in Safari 3.2.1. I posted the problem on the bug tracker some days ago, including the (simple) solution.

same as michael, safari 3.2.1, and yes, it only seems to happen in maintenance mode.

No, it happens any time you have a message on the top of the page. This may as well be a success message!

ah, you're right, michael. forgot about that one.

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