
I've got a question concerning the maintenance mode extension. If I enable maintenance mode, the following notification will be shown on all administration pages:

This site is currently in maintenance mode. Restore?

It's located at the same place as error messages or status information (entry created/saved etc.). Isn't this the wrong place for the maintenance mode notification? The whole message seems to say:

HEY! You forgot something! Switch off maintenance mode!

It looks like something you need to get rid of - this is not what it should do. It should be present to the user that the page is in maintenance mode (otherwise he might tend to forget about it) but it was the user's choice to set the website into maintenance mode so it should be present in a different way than other system messages. Normally it's not a mistake that a website is in maintenance mode.

I'd like to propose to move the maintenance mode notification and append it behind the site name in the header.

Maintenance Mode


Good idea Nils.

I just think that maybe it would be better to put that information under the site name, so it's a bit less visible and does not create problems when site name is very long and window area is not that wide to contain everything.

I can get behind this...

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