
I'm creating a new extension and on uninstall I have to delete a folder (contains other files and folders as well). When uninstalling, I get this error

unlink([...]/workspace/translations) [function.unlink]: Permission denied

I even tried to set permissions to 0777 but in vain.

chmod(DOCROOT . '/workspace/translations', 0777);
unlink(DOCROOT . '/workspace/translations');

Any ideas why I can't unlink a directory?

@Vlad: can you share what this extension is going to be about? I think the sneak preview of a directory called translations will catch the attention of many fellow developers :)

Oh, BTW, unlink is for files, you should use rmdir for directories

@remie ;;)


Offers a frontend localisation mechanism using XML files.

It's something I'm using for some time already and I want to release.

Oh, BTW, unlink is for files, you should use rmdir for directories

Ohh, and google framed me. It showed some description form a user comment.

Ah, so it is the solution you mention in your comment on the gettext extension. Perhaps once both extensions are alive (I'm still working on the gettext parsers) we can merge them?

Yes, that's the thing. We'll see when both are released.

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