
I deleted a section, basically a lookup section that contained 4 entries for use in dropdowns one other section. I realized I could just create a static enumerated list, since the number of entries probably wasn't going to grow much.

After I deleted the section, I'm getting a Fatal Database Error whenever I try to view or create a Data Source:

Symphony Fatal Database Error
Table 'publicweb.sym_entries_data_81' doesn't exist
An error occurred while attempting to execute the following query
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `sym_entries_data_81` LIKE 'value'

Any suggestions on troubleshooting this?

OK, I fixed this by viewing the section that used the deleted section in a dynamic Select Box, changing it to a predefined list, then saving the changes.

I'm guessing the fatal error occurred when Symphony was attempting to reflect all of the sections for populating the Source and Included Elements form items.

I'm guessing the fatal error occurred when Symphony was attempting to reflect all of the sections for populating the Source and Included Elements form items.

You got it :-) Resaving the other sections, and/or related data sources, usually does the trick.

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  • MySQL 5.5 or above
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