
I'd like to know how to achieve to be able to see letters like č ć and đ correctly.

Unfortunately, for some reason I only see ž and š, but not the ones above. I write them in articles, but only question marks are displayed. [?]

Can this be fixed somehow?

how are you writing them into your articles? is it just the visual representation, like you have above, or the actual html entity version? if you're not using html entities, you can give that a shot (annoying, yes, but worth a shot). a good site is here.

although that is very useful page, I didn’t have in mind writing ć all the time. there has to be something else. for example , how does š work, so that when I write letter š, that letter displays. You know, I write š in article and that’s then displayed normally in published articles.

UTF-8 should be able to represent that correctly. What is the encoding type for your site? Also, check ?debug, how is the character rendered?

encoding is utf-8

character is rendered as question mark ?

How about the database? Is the encoding set to utf8_unicode_ci?

It wasn't. I changed it now and everything's OK. Thank you!

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