
A new Extension, “Clean URL Parameters” is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

Haha, I think I remember you preaching about this format on TFI... YEARS ago!

Looks good, buddy!

Clean URL Parameters updated to version 1.0.2 on 9th of December 2009

This is a cool extension, but does anyone know how I can make a form using the GET method request the url params in this method? When I click send, it uses the normal style (as I would expect).

Do I need to intercept it with JS and change them?

Do I need to intercept it with JS and change them?

Yep. You can send a form as get which uses the normal querystring syntax. You could always attach a custom event to the page to look for querystrings and do a server redirect to your own syntax.

Ah, events! Hah! I had forgotten about them...

So I guess it's just a matter of rebuilding the URL in this syntax and directing to the original form's action then...

FYI: the Dynamic Event Redirect extension handles clean URL parameters.

When this extension is doing it's magic on a URL specified as /param:value if a form appends more GET params in the same namespace, ie /param:value/?param=value the newest GET params are ignored.

This isn't good for site searching...

Re my last comment, I'm trying to figure out whether to fix this in the extension or with an event/event filter.

Anyone got an opinion as to which would be better? Which fires first FrontendPrePageResolve delegate or en event?

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