
Is there any extension like this?

I guess that question needs some more context. I cannot imagine what you mean with multilingual image.

Do you mean contextual images: serving different images in different contexts (such as on pages in a different language?) or do you mean something else?

Right, current use-case is product imagery ..

The shampoo bottle is manufactured in both German and English. The language that the user has selected should dictate the images served.

Here's an example =>

The images are served in spanish ..

into: I would love to have something like this. I usually do image-en and image-fr fields. But having the same scalability then the Multilingual Field would be nice with ANY documents (not only image)...

You could try to fork the ML Field and replacing Text with an Upload mechanism. I can see a lot of code reuse in this case. Try to modify the behavior by inheriting from the classes coded by Guillem. And maybe you can ask him (or me!) to modify to methods into the ML ext in order to facilitate the inheritance.

Yeah, it's in dev since friday :D I'll release it today. It's almost done.


It's here.

This is incredible, thank you @vladG !

Yes congrat Vlad!

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