
Hi all,

if I use quotation marks in section names (I want to, as there's no possibility to just choose menu captions seperately), generating a data source component for this section fails. The "sort by" menu is not filled properly anymore.

Please tell me if I'm doing something entirely wrong, as I started using Symphony just recently.

Best regards.

A similar bug was recently reported with speech marks in tag list values:

I've opened a new one for this.

The Sort By dropdown on the Datasource Editor is populated by Fields, not Sections. Can you clarify, did you mean Sections or Fields?

edit You probably meant Fields, if I use Field Test" with quote, the field will just be saved as Field Test.

No, it's really Sections. I know that the dropdown is populated by Fields, but it fails to display any Field, if the corresponding Section name contains double quotes. No big deal, yet there might then be problems with other characters that are lost...

How odd. Confirmed, two bugs with one report ;)

EDIT Fixed in #887

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