
Hi all, I am in desperate need of help implementing some functionality around Events.

Within an existing simple update event I need to be able to check a specific value and then trigger another event based on a the resulting value test.

I have used ‘$eParamFILTERS’ but this always gets fired.

There is a fantastic tutorial by @brendo concerning event chaining.

Thanks, this is a great tutorial. I have managed to send a basic email via the core email using this code -

One of my requirements is to send a email from the Pay Pal Payments extension, ideally using the ETM. Adding my Event to the post parameters within the trigger does not work though.

Could you show the source of your events? (related to Paypal & ETM)

I have been 'hacking' around the Pay Pal event but do not really have any working code to show.

So far I have tried adding my ETM event to the $eParamFILTERS. This works in all standard events but not Pay Pal. I have also taken the standard core email code from @brendo tutorial and dropped it in the __trigger() function after:

# Transfom and move out
$output->setAttribute('result', 'success');
$output->appendChild(new XMLElement('message', 'PayPal data logged and reconciled.'));

This email works but also appears to get called more than once. However I really need the ETM event so I can access other data sources to include this content within my email.

The reason ETM wouldn't work in the Paypal event is because it's a custom event that doesn't mimic the usual Event delegates that ETM will be listening for.

Instead of using the Core Email code you will need to programmatically create the ETM inside your Event. This comment from the ETM thread looks helpful, as @stuartgpalmer was trying to do the same thing

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