
Hi there,

I am noticing some problems in Internet Explorer 8, wel actually I heard them from someone working on it ;).

I was hoping to avoid IE8 entirely, but I think the problem are pretty small. For each page there are two issues on the admin.js with either 'this.hasOwnProperty(name)' on line 31 or the try/ctach block on line 41.

Is that easily fixable? I would try it myself but I'd guess it would be best to ask the experts first.

this might be overly judgemental and off topic, but worth a look ;)

Yeah I know ;)

But it seems Symphony is almost running bugfree on IE8 (wow), so if these little things could be fixed I could actually recommend Symphony for that as well.

There also seem to be missing some mouse event handlers in IE8. In the admin.js for example the 'UIControl.deploy("ul.tags"' on line 866 isn't called which init the items for the taglist.

I'm still guessing there might be some small pieces of javascript in IE8 preventing some parts to run normally, not sure though ;).

Thanks for testing, Bob. :)

No JS is being initialised in IE due to the hasOwnProperty failure on its window.event object. This looks easy to fix and I'll put an update into the master branch on github tomorrow, however I suspect that'll uncover some more problems.

No IE versions are officially supported yet, but that's going to change in v2.1. Feel free to make changes if you like, and send us a pull request through github's interface. Otherwise, if you can hold out for v2.1, I'm hoping to fix a bunch of JS/CSS problems in IE8.

That sounds great Scott, I will help out if I can.

I am guessing using libraries as prototype or jQuery might ease the process, altough that might add somewhat of an overhead.

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