
I am trying to work with the Geo Location Service Plugin written by Joseph Denne. (

I am having some difficulty in getting it to function.

Since I dont have a public IP on my development machine (although I am behind a NAT with a public IP) It tries to Geo Locate, obviously this wont work.

So I mocked up a quick test and if my IP is I hard code my NAT Public IP. This works on my laptop in a simple php page.


if(isnull($ip)) { if ($SERVER['REMOTEADDR'] == '') { $ip = ""; } else { $ip = $SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } }

echo "IP: ".$ip;


So I went into extension.driver.php and made the change in lookup() from:

if(isnull($ip)) $ip = $SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];


if(isnull($ip)) { if ($SERVER['REMOTEADDR'] == '') { $ip = ""; } else { $ip = $SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } }

and I still get just


when I debug=xml

What else am I missing?

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