
Hi Symphony Team!

I'm having some problems with the contact form on 2 of my sites. I apologise for being a bit behind the times with using Symphony 1.7,but I have started playing with 2 and cant wait for another project to use it!

I am using the standard form that comes with symphony 1.7 on this page - but the email is never sent. The 'green success paragraph' is shown on submission however the email never comes.

I have installed a fresh version of Symphony in another location and the same thing happens. I have attached my 'Contact Email Form Utility', which in symphony has the 'Send Email' event associated with it too.

I am hosting (mt) and have other sites that have this form working, but my most recent 2 have not.

If you are able to use this information, along with ?debug to help me solve this it would be much appreciated, thanks!

edit: file not attached as O think it is broken, file located here -


Is anyone able to shed any light on this?! Please help

If you are working with 1.7, and cannot upgrade/rebuild it in 2 try posting in the old forum

Submit your form to ?debug and see which output is created.

In s2, the debug information for e-mail forms is much better because it will give you an error if the e-mail has not been sent although all required forms are filled in. If I remember correctly, the s1.7 e-mail event only gives an error when the required fields are not filled in, regardless of the success of sending the actual e-mail.

Thanks carsten,

I have submitted the form 'correctly' then checked the ?debug and there was no change, is that what you meant by 'submit form to to ?debug'?

The email address listed is correct, it is not getting caught as spam either, any other ideas?

Thanks again

Try modifying your form post to submit to the debug page itself:

<form method="post" action="?debug">

Cheers nickdunn, I've done this, and on submit the debug information is produced. I'm just not sure what im to look for...

The XML event code that is produced is below.

<send-email sent="true">
    <subject>hi there</subject>
    <notice>Email sent successfully</notice>

here is some of the XSLT:

<xsl:template name="contact-email-form">
<xsl:param name="owner"/>
<form action="?debug" method="post">
<xsl:apply-templates select="events/send-email" />
    <label>Your Name</label>
    <input name="name" value="{//cookie/name}"/>
    <label>Your Email</label>
    <input name="email" value="{//cookie/email}"/>
    <label class="subject-label">Subject</label>
    <input class="subject-input" name="subject" value="{//cookie/subject}"/>
    <textarea onfocus="clearIt(this)" onblur="setIt(this)" name="message" rows="5" cols="21"><xsl:value-of select="//cookie/message"/>Message...</textarea>
    <input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="recipient-username" value="{$owner}" />
    <input id="submit" type="submit" name="action[send-email]" value="Send Message" />

Is there something you can point me to in looking at the XML or XSLT?

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