
I know this is very basic but I am really struggling with how the pagination works and all mys searches in the forum do not return to me anything which can simplify it for me to understand.

I have a page (pageA) which returns a datasource (dsA). dsA has 100+ items that I will like to paginate, so in the "show max of" I set the value to 20 and in the "required URL parameter" is added 'p'.

However when I try and navigate to the page, pageA/ - returns the first 20 results from the DS pageA/?p=2 - returns the same first 20 results pageA/2/ - goes to a 404.

Can you please help me as I have been searching the forum for a while and found nothing that could help me understand the workings of the pagination.

You have to tell the datasource which url parameter you would like to use for pagination. It should read something like (if you're fine with pageA/?p=2):

Paginate results, limiting to 20 entries per page. Return page $url-p:1

Thanks for the quick response Marco, however i still don't get it. In the datastore, do I set the required parameter to '$url-p'?

Please ignore, i realised I have to put the param in the 'show page...' field.


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