
Folowing this thread I would like to use the domainname of the intall and its extension (, so I try:


as param to filter a dynmaic datasource, however it seems that the functions is not executed. This is because this is handled in php?

Can I make this work somehow, or should a special extension be build to find the domain with its extension so i can do


maybe this extension could be part of the 'active param extension' mentioned here, to form a kind of additional usefull parameters extension?

I have been thinking about expanding the global parameter loader with functionality to process the param instead of only allowing plain text, but it is not exactly on the top of my list. Being able to process the parameter is a first step, I don't know whether it is easier to easy it will be to use x-path functions like substring-after or parse php.

Being able to specify included elements of dynamic datasources with a textarea full of xslt templates, instead of just one select line, would certainly be usefull, and has been discussed at the archiveoverture. Sure 3.0 will bring this too. And the same goes for filtering by param.

Now, to achieve the params I need (and many others have specific param requests on here), I think it would be the most simple to just add some params with php, instead of allowing xslt transformations of select fields. So indeed expanding the system parameters.

In a separate extension, or in your gpl.

If I need the params only on specific pages, instead of globally, would you still advise me to use your gpl extension?

It is very easy to add the parameters and exclude certain pages. I just found out how to evaluate php before adding the parameters to the context variable, I will release this functionality in a new version of the extension (very) soon.

See Example B in the extension: global parameter loader topic to create a parameter containing the domain and extension (without www) that can be used for dynamic datasources.

Hey bedankt Carsten! thanks

Geen probleem!

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