

I'm looking for a tutorial on setting up data source chaining with subsection manager fields.

First of all: is this possible? I've seen some comments on the forum that suggest subsection manager is problematic when used with data source chaining. Which would put me in a world of hurt because all my section links are done with the subsection manager.



Could you elaborate — what is your section setup? I don't use the SSM often but thought that one output option is to include the full "child" entry XML in the parent entry XML, negating the need for chaining. Or do you need to then chain these children?

SSM returns a list of ids, so data source chaining works as usual. There was an issue with outputing multiple items in some environments that should be fixed in version 2.

Ah and Nick is right: most of the time you don't need to chain anything as SSM offers direct output of subsection items.

Sweet! OK, I guess the difficulties expressed in the forum were relating to an older version.

I've got an Authors section and a Publications section. Each publication has a list of authors, linked with SSM. When I display an Author page, I will want to show all that Author's publications. To do that I assume that I will start with a Publications data source, then filter it by Author ID or handle? Hmm... then maybe I don't need data source chaining for this example?

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