
Hi all, sorry if this has been brought up before, I searched but couldn't find anything...

I have a Japanese/English site running Symphony. I have a banner that I would like to switch languages when the user change from English to Japanese or vice-versa. Any thoughts on how I could do this? They are just standard animated GIF's

Thanks for any input...

Kind regards,

The key to this would be knowing how a user switches between the two languages. Is their choice stored in a cookie, or a URL Parameter or similar?

Nick, Thanks for your response. To answer your question, the user switches languages by a URL link.

Im able to output language different banners VIA language specific CSS, however this doesnt give me the flexibility of having them link to anywhere...

Thanks again for answering.

OK. Do you have some sort of "if" statement in XSLT or JavaScript that checks the language and writes out the appropriate CSS file for class for the CSS to apply the banner to?

I'm hoping we can re-use the same logic to change the link.

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