
I think you guys have your own ways to provide a user interface to fill in the section entries. Is there a built-in GUI widget (or a preferrable one for Symphony) that would do following: When I am at some page of my site that is based on a data source, I can click an "Add entry" link which would pop up a modal window with a form that connects with the event. When "submit" is clicked on that window, it updates the page underneath without closing. I just guess that jQuery would do, any recommendation which widget/plugin is to be used here?

Thank you,

An easy possible work around would be to use something like colorbox (jquery lightbox) to load the respective publish page from symphony in an iframe as an overlay. You could then force refresh the page when colorbox is closed.

Another option would be to use the section schemas extension to build your own form based on the section in question. This would be more effort but would be more customisable. Again you could use colorbox to do the lightbox overlay effect.

Try out Modal Editing which does what davjand suggests with loading the backend page in a lightbox. You still need to build the hyperlink to the backend yourself though.

It's entirely experimental and unsupported, but might be a good starting point to work from.

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