
I'm trying to manipulate a datasource $result set using XMLElement functions, and it just ain't doing anything. My code is as below, just before the return $result; statement in the datasource grab function:

        $entries = $result->getChildren('entry');

        foreach($entries as $key => $entry)
            $keep = 0;

            $children = $entry->getChildren();

            foreach($children as $field)
                if($field->getName() == 'average-luck-strategy')
                    if((int)$field->getValue() >= $ranges['luck-strategy'][0] && (int)$field->getValue() <= $ranges['luck-strategy'][1])
                else if($field->getName() == 'average-casual-intense')
                    if((int)$field->getValue() >= $ranges['casual-intense'][0] && (int)$field->getValue() <= $ranges['casual-intense'][1])
                else if($field->getName() == 'average-complex-simple')
                    if((int)$field->getValue() >= $ranges['complex-simple'][0] && (int)$field->getValue() <= $ranges['complex-simple'][1])
            if($keep == 0)

Does anyone know why the datasource is returning all of the results, when I expect this code to whittle it down to only one out of 10?

Your first line assigns a copy of the result's children to the $entries variable. When you unset($entries[$key]), all you do is remove the entry from the copy and not from the actual result.

I haven’t done this before, but a quick look at the API documentation suggests you will need to use the removeChildAt() method. Try replacing your call to unset() with something like:


If that doesn't work, try removing the conditional statements you have in there to determine if one of them is the culprit.

Ben's on the money :)

Well spotted, I tried passing it to the variable by reference, but that didn't work either.

I'll give that a go, thanks.

That worked perfectly thanks. (RTFM John, RTFM)

Ok, sorry to bump this...

Now I have the results and I'm manipulating stuff with XMLElement, is there any way to re-order the results based on the value of a node?

You can use setChildren() to replace all the child nodes of an XMLElement object with an array of new children:

$entries = $result->getChildren();
// Do stuff to $entries here to re-order its elements.
$result->setChildren($entries); // Children of $result are now reordered.

Yeah, I know that bit, it's how to do the reordring based on a child-node's value that I hope I can do.

There's the getValue method, which you could use to make an array while iterating through the XMLElement(s), so that you can sort it.

I don't know about the structure of your XML, and I haven't tested it (it almost certainly won't work straight off), but maybe something along these lines?

foreach($result->getChildren() as $entries) {
    foreach($entries->getChildren() as $entry) {
        $values[] = $entry->getValue();
    $entries_reordered = new XMLElement('entries-reordered');
    foreach($values as $value) {
        $entry_node = new XMLElement('entry', $value);

This is what I thought, I was hoping there would be some magical way of doing it.

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