
I've started using Symphony recently and I must say I really like it. But I have a problem now, which I have no idea how to solve.

It's very simple, all about inserting images into articles. I've created special section for images, which are associated which each article.

But is there any way how to create some kind of button, which can insert the image when creating the article to the Markdown text area?


@krystof_k I believe that you could have your images run from a subsection manager (symphony extension) and configure the subsection manager to allow for drag and drop such that it would write the correct markdown in the text area for you relative to the image dragged.

This is a major down side for me too. One of few.

Tried to get Subsection's drag n drop to work with CKEditor with no success.

Markdown or a plain Text Area works great for myself... but clients expect WYSIWYG from a CMS.

My quick fix to get past this was to create an images section with a upload field pointed at a folder, then i wrote a few lines of php to do a category listing of that folder and linked as documented with CKeditor... then changed the path to the filebrowser in ck.config to this php file.

Not the most elegant, but at least manageable to explain for a client...

If you look at IMG element from CKEDitor, you'll notice you can select the source of the image from Entries in a defined Section (in Preferences) :)

If you look at IMG element from CKEDitor, you'll notice you can select the source of the image from Entries in a defined Section (in Preferences) :)

Where? Only option i have is "Browse on server" and that didn't work until i did the hack described..

Only option i have is "Browse on server"

That should be enough. Select the browseable sections from there and it should work out-of-the box. Try the latest CKEditor extension version.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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