
Hey all!

I havn't done much web related work the latest years and it's been a while since I dug around in Symphony so I'm feeling a bit rusty. Nevertheless I've decided to try to get my own personal site up and running so I'm sitting here constructing my site using Symphony.

But now I've run into some troubles with data sources. My first issue is with trying to create a filtered DS based on an URL parameter in order to create a page for my categories. I looked around the forum cause I knew there was a Quicktime tutorial on how to do this back in the days but I can't find it anylonger. Does it still exist?

What I'm trying to do is to create a category page that on default (without the extra URL param) lists all the categories. When given a URL param, the idea is to filter out the articles from only that category and list them as such. I think you know what I'm after here. However I can't seem to get it to work.

I've set the URL parameter to "category" for my categories page, and my "Articles by categories" DS, as I call it, is based on Articles and has two Filter Results options: Categories = {$category}, and Publish = yes. But debugging said category page it just says "No records found". The $category param is there according to the debug but yet no result.

The categories page itself is a sub page of /archive (so the URL becomes with the latter part being the param) but I doubt that should matter.

So what could be the problem here? And if that Quicktime tutorial is still around I'd love to take a look at it.

The other issue is related to a Dynamic XML DS that is supposed to fetch my Flickr photostream's latest photos using the feed provided by Flickr. But no records found there either even though the URL is correct. Any particular reason it doesn't work? The fact that my site is in maintenance mode should not matter, should it?

Thanks in advance

/ Johan

The second issue might be related to manifest/tmp not being writable for PHP. AFAIK, this is the place where the cached XML goes.

It's set to 755. Tried changing it to 777 but still not working I'm afraid.

You might need to re-save the datasource after changing permissions. If it still does not work, I do not know where to go...

You will find the videocast about dynamic datasources at Andrew Reeve’s site Creative Flux.

I can't tell you what you are doing wrong because, I too, am only just beginning with Symphony FredD

Thanks for the answers and for the link to the tutorial. Unfortunately, Symphony does seem to have changed a bit since it was made!

Still no luck so all help or hints are appreciated. I'll link to a screenshot of the DS in question if that is any help:

The first issue arises because you are trying to filter the category by it's handle while it is only possible to filter categories by their id. I have described how to overcome this problem in this post.

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