
Just getting started with symphony and I'm trying to set up some filter params.

I have a select field in one of my sections that acts like categories. Some of these are multiple words so they have spaces, in the url structure i'd like to keep things pretty, but if I change a category from "Three Bedroom" to "three-bedroom" I don't get anything in the returned result list. Is there anyway to set params to match the field or a slugged version of it?

I'm open to other suggestions on how to handle it as well.

Thanks for the help.

Most fields, such as the text input and select box allow you to filter on the original text value Three Bedroom as well as the "handle" (slug) (three-bedroom). Either should work.

What does your datasource filter look like?

I just went to take a screen shot for you and realized I had a typo that I must of overlooked 4 or 5 times. Sorry for wasting your time, but thanks for taking a look and the info.

No probs. Good luck in your continuing quest!

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  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
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  • MySQL 5.5 or above
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