
THis is an interesting one for sure...

I've had to move some files from /workspace into /workspace/uploads/images due to my idiocy of specifying the path wrong.

I thought I'd be clever about this and just physically move them, then make the changes in the database. So, I moved the files, found the correct field in the sym_fields_uniqueupload and changed the path. I then checked the sym_entries_data_xx table to ensure it was ok, which it is.

I then deleted any caches I have, the DB cache, the /manifest/cache files and my browser's local cache.

Weirdly, the install, frontend, debug etc are still looking for the images in the old location??? After I have changed everything to the new one. Has anyone come across this before, how did you do it?


Probably not your issue, but I spent 15 minutes earlier this week trying to figure out why my change seemingly wasn't doing anything before realising I had the wrong URL in the address bar. headsmack

You have to modify the file column in sym_entries_data_xx for each entry as well to reflect the new path.

@klaftertief I see. I assumed that it used the path from the field table, but I can see the logic as to why not.

Thanks very much!

That worked a treat, thanks.

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