
I've never been able to use axes properly in xPath like the following




works fine. Take this example

<xsl:if test="count(parent::entry) > 2">...

never works yet using ../ instead works every time. I've noticed this a few times in the past, but thought I'd share and ask...

Has anyone else seen this behaviour?

Well, parent::* is the same as .. while parent::*/entry would be the equivalent to ../entry.

.. goes up a level while ../entry goes up and then down again. I hope that makes sense. :-)

So the answer is

<xsl:if test="count(parent::/entry) > 2">...


@designermonkey: Have I told you lately that I love your avatar picture?

Why thank you!

Apparently, it looks like a baked potato with cress.

I always like to scale the avatars up, it makes it easier to see what is actually on them. Nice photo!

Scaling is useless. Still looks like a baked potato with cress. :-)


No, I really like it!

I always like to scale the avatars up, it makes it easier to see what is actually on them. Nice photo!

Weird, when I scaled it up I got this...


Alright you lot. You're all in trouble!


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