
Hi there,

I am trying to do a symphony 2 install but something is not right. I get no errors and get the login screen after install, but I can't login nor does it know the email adress for forgotten password.

In the install-log I do see these errors: 11:53:58 > NOTICE: MYSQL: Importing Table Schema...Failed 11:53:58 > ERROR: There was an error while trying to import data to the database. MySQL returned: 1193: Unknown system variable 'NAMES'

Oh yeah, on the same server symphony 1.7 is already installed and working ok (on a different database).

What's causing this?

What version of MySQL are you running? That is information on the query in question. It's trying to set the connection charset, which is done via the query SET NAMES 'utf8';

Thanks, the server is running mysql 4.1.21 so I guess that should be ok. Al other requirements are ok as well.

I tried using the compatibility mode for the database on install as well (uses the default database character encoding) but that did'nt work either.

I tried some things out with the hosting company, but I can't get it to work ;). Doing an install on a new domain with the same specs works.

Is it perhaps because of the older Symhony version which is already on the server?

Thanks, Bob

the server is running mysql 4.1.21

Yeah. Should be okay.

Try setting runtime_character_set_alter to 0 in /manifest/config.php

That might help.

Thanks Alistair, but it didn't work I'm afraid.. It seems the database install is not done completely, I have attached my install-log.txt.

I'm a little lost here ;)


ah, sorry the problem is during install. I think the DB dump the installer is using has a SET NAMES .. line. I might need to whip you up a special install file.

Ah ok, that would be great Alistair.

Is there a difference in Symphony 1.7 with that setting? That is already installed on the same server (and runs ok).

The DB dump doesn't use SET NAMES ..., but the installer does based on the info it gets from getDynamicConfiguration() in install.php (around line 152). If you change the runtime_character_set_alter in there to 0 it should work.

Ok thanks, but now I get a 'MySQL returned: 1193: Unknown system variable 'storage_engine'' error ;)

Pretty strange, something is pretty messed up :)

probably doesn't like SET storage_engine=MYISAM. Open up /symphony/lib/toolkit/include.install.php and comment out line 112

$db->query('SET storage_engine=MYISAM', $e);

Hopefully that fixes everything.

I'm afraid it throws up another error:

ERROR: There was an error while trying to import data to the database. MySQL returned: 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'collate utf8unicodeci NOT NULL default '',

I'm guessing it is nog going to work this way :)


You're still using compatibility mode? Sounds like you're trying to install on a very strict server. :/

Yes pretty strange.. :/. It now says:

ERROR: There was an error while trying to import data to the database. MySQL returned: 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8unicodeci' at line 15

All servers specs are ok, and Symphony 1.7 is installed in the same server without problems. Could that be the problem?


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