
I am still missing support for one very important feature. That is when you have a data source based on some external parameter, when the parameter has multiple values (an array) the data source is still called once. Can we implement a feature so that the datasource would be called so many times as a number of values in the array and the final result would be a concatenation of all those calls? I got it implemented for my own case (grub), but I wonder if this feature would be useful for other people. It happens especially in conjunction with the Parametrisator extension when it's output parameters are used as input parameters for other data sources.

From memory, I believe this is already supported: separate the different values by comma's, and they will be treated one by one.

It definitely works for ID's, and I believe handles work just as well (but I haven't tested it recently!)

separate the different values by comma's, and they will be treated one by one.

For IDs it surely works.

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