
Can anyone help me construct a hyperlink that references a specific pages URL?

Example, when a user is reading a blog article, I want to put a "back button" that when clicked will take the user back to the main blog page.

I know the URL is blog/ and I could hard code this.

But can't I construct in suck a way where if I change the @handle in Symphony I could not have to re-do my links (say if I had done them manually)

Some combination of using @handle="blog"

and then

<a href=""><xsl:value-of select="name"/></a>

What about this:

<a href="../">View index</a>

I thought about that, but my blog page is blog/ and that would return me back to articles/ it seems

but looking ../../blog would work but that is hardcoded versus a generic solution based upon Symphony page handles.

Well, it's not hardcoded. As long as the basic structure remains the same (having an entry page as sub-page of the index page), the handles may change.

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