
I am using the stock example from about.xsl to create a form submission:

I have tried using SendMail and SMTP with these settings:

I have tried with SSL and TLS per:

When I submit I dont get any errors or success message and I never get the e-mail.

How to I figure out what is going on?

Your email settings look correct. This is most likely something very simple: have you told symphony to accept form submissions, and to send out an email if the form is submitted? In other words: have you created an event with a send email filter, and attached it to your page?

If you have: in your template you reference the event save-message, is this the name of the event you have attached to your page?

Here are a few pics of what I have

Screen Shot 2012-04-10 at 4.36.47 PM.PNG and Screen Shot 2012-04-10 at 4.35.58 PM.PNG

But have you added the event to your page, like @creativedutchmen said? Have a look at the documentation and the attached screenshot (of some dummy event, don't let you confuse with the prototypes setting).

Schnappschuss (2012-04-11 01.46.12).png

Yes, and the message shows up in Content -> Messages, but I am not getting notified of it in my e-mail.

this is a shot in the dark, but i've had shared hosting providers not send emails if the from: header was a different domain than the site.

I am not shared. I am running this Site on my own box and the mail serving software is running on the same box as well.

I found out my other sites running on this box were having issues and changing setsebool http_can_sendmail=yes solved that for those.

Symyphony still remains an issue though using sendmail settings and SMTP using a gmail settings.

My pages says it send but the admin account does not get notified of a new message.

Can you check your HTML, and please see if the <input name="send-email[recipient]"> has your username as its value?

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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  • MySQL 5.5 or above
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