
So we all know about the whole revamp that symphony 2.3 is bringing along - including the new extension.meta.xsl and the depreciation of the about() function.

I'd like to know what are the bare requirements for creating a basic 2.3 extension?

For example in extension meta - according to a github repo is required - does this hold true for symphony itself? If so how do we add custom extensions that do not have their private github repo?

Plus to install new extensions in 2.3 we would just have to create the extension driver and the meta file? then should be ready to install?

For example in extension meta - according to a github repo is required - does this hold true for symphony itself? If so how do we add custom extensions that do not have their private github repo?

To add an extension to it is required that the extension is public and uploaded to Github. You can still create your own private extensions and use them with Symphony as you always have, you just won't be able to add them to that site.

Plus to install new extensions in 2.3 we would just have to create the extension driver and the meta file? then should be ready to install?

No. The extension.meta.xml file and the deprecated about() methods will not be enforced until Symphony 2.4. Current extensions may work without modification in Symphony 2.3, but in most cases they will require a few minor tweaks. You should read the Migration Guide for Extension Developers, it's a bible for any extension developer :)

Thanks Brendo - went through the thing - Asking as installed 2.3RC1 around 2 days ago for a new project - (thought it makes sense to go along since it won't be live until after 2.3 is final)

And when I added an extension (just extension driver & meta) it didn't show up in the extension list to install. Must have messed something up with the folder/extension name.

Somehow we have to renaming and remove underscore in the filename if any.

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