

I'm having a problem with quotes in Symphony's site name. In the manifest/config.php file it is written as:

35                 ###### GENERAL ######
36                 'general' => array(
37                         'sitename' => 'Testing Symphony\'s Escape',
38                         'useragent' => 'Symphony/2.2.5',
39                 ),

Attached are four images where in the administrative section the site name is displayed without the ampersand being escaped in "& apos;" and then on the main site you can see the ampersand is converted to "& amp;" in "& apos;" which of course makes it "& amp;apos;s"

2 of the images are from Symphony version 2.2.5 and the other 2 are from Symphony version 2.3.

As a workaround I can use that different character for a quote: ’

Is there a better way to fix this? Or is this a bug of sorts?

Thanks for any help.

Screen Shot 2012-05-07 at 12.14.31 PM.png, Screen Shot 2012-05-07 at 12.15.57 PM.png, Screen Shot 2012-05-07 at 12.28.51 PM.png and Screen Shot 2012-05-07 at 12.29.12 PM.png

This is a problem with the way parameters are passed to XSLT for processing, and occurs when you use the values from the parameter pool. I believe there is a fix (I solved it during a very long IRC chat) but it was never implemented — your best bet is to get the value from the XML itself, where the double encoding shouldn't occur.



Oh duh!

So simple and it was staring me in the face on ?debug haha.

Thanks @nickdunn.

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