

how I can add / display in Symphony 2.3 a section to the right structure menu and not to the left content menu.

is that possible ?


Yep. Write an extension that uses the fetchNavigation method to return the menu item. Set its tye to content for the left, structure for the right. For example:

thanks nick, but I haven't no coding experience with extensions

just out of curiosity... why would you wanna do this?

I have done the exact same thing for site settings (meta-data, mainly). Putting them in the far right seemed like the best place.

To each it's preference, but i am pretty happy with the new 2.3 layout as it is... :)

@crativedutchman how you make this ? have you some sample files ?

It would be great to see an extension that allowed you to specify left or right when making the section.

@designermonkey good idea !!!

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