
hello use symphony 2.2.1 only backend + restapi extension, but I have a problem with the table symsessions,

when I call the string save the sessions data and not erase the previous , so increasing both the tab sym_session


I don't think this is this extension's fault. Symphony stores all sessions into this table. A session is created when anyone visits your site (frontend visitor or backend login), except, details of their session are only stored in the table if there's anything to store (so usually you see very few rows, but if you store stuff in the session for frontend users, you'll see a row here for every new visitor to your site). Each session has an expiry time which I think is two weeks, so this table only holds session data for this time.

It's quite likely that every time you hit the API it's creating a brand new session (especially if you're calling it via a script, so you're firing up a new session for each request) so you'll see the table grow. It's not uncommon for rows in this table to reach the tens or hundreds of thousands for busy sites.

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