

I did a fresh install of 2.2.5. from git. But now if I goto the extensions page I see a 500 error page.

I have checked all the names and they seems to be allright.

Somebody else a idea what went wrong here?

make sure you've downloaded the right versions of each extension. Most extensions have now been updated to 2.3 so you would have to find the correct 'tag' or 'commit' to use which doesn't break compatibility to 2.2.5

After that make sure you've initialized all the repositories and that any required sub-modules by those extensions have been integrated and updated accordingly.

Hi roelof. What does your webserver error log say? Also check Symphony's error log in the symphony folder: log/error.log.

I found no error.log on my system and how can I check the version numbers when i cannot reach the extensions page.

simple - version numbers is found in the about() function in extension.driver.php for 2.2.5 or in meta.xml

oke, I resolved the problem by doing it git steps again in a different order. Now IM trying to solve how to copy a workspace to another installed symphony install.

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