
I got the following xml:

<entry id="1">
<entry id="2">

The xslt is as follow:

<xsl:for-each select="gallery/item">
 <xsl:value-of select="entry/title">
 <xsl:value-of select="image">

Wanted result:

Title 1 image

Title 2 image

Title 2 image

But the title is out of the context form gallery/item so it only gives me Title 1.

I thought entry/preceding::title would do the trick. But it doesn't.

Try this:

My logic is a bit different so to answer your initial question how to match the title from gallery/item: you'll first have to move up to the entry using ancestor::entry and then go back down to titleancestor::entry/title or ../../title in this specific case.

Can't try it at the moment but this seems the solution.

Thanks Nils. I'll try it tonight

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