
Hi All,

Been away from Sym for a few weeks doing non-web work and returned to find a nice new 2.3 and exploring it now.

I was hoping to try Rowan's Content Field:

link text

However, on attempting to enable the extension in 2.3 I am getting an error:

Failed opening required '__DIR__/libs/message-stack.php' (include_path='.;C:php5pear')

Which relates seems to relate to the lines similar and including:

require_once __DIR__ . '/libs/message-stack.php';

in the extension driver.

I guess I can add the correct path in my php ini file but that seems to me to be probably not a good solution. I don't have this problem with other extensions so am thinking on not editing the ini file, which seems fine for other stuff.

I'm running Wamp on winderz BTW.

Could someone with extension experience tell me what's up with this? I mean maybe it's something obvious, but not to me.

Cheers as always.

PHP version? The constant __DIR__ has been added in 5.3.

That'll be it, Wamp was on 5.2.6 running some old site on localhost but have 5.3.8 that I can switch to.

Thanks alpacaa :)

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