
It happens that I need to create pages that pretty much have the same set of datasources attached to them (only different name and hierarchy). Is it possible to create one template page that would have all the required datasources and inherit other pages from it?

Thank you,

There is the Page Prototypes extension that does exactly that. Please let me know should you experience any problems.

I downloaded the extension. Now when I go to my extension web page I have Fatal error: Class extensionpageprototypes contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Extension::about). Is it because my Symphony is outdated?

Simply checkout an older version suitable for your Symphony version, see the compatibility chart on the site Jonas linked to.

Yep, that's what I did. I downloaded one for my 2.2.5 Symphony (ver 0.6.1). It looks like the git link points to the newest version which doesn't have about() implemented. I wonder if it's author's typo or I just need to manually download ver 0.6.1 file by file from this page (or there is a different way)...

You have to select the 0.6.1 tag (the link saying "0.6.1" on links to that page) and then download it by clicking the ZIP button.

I found the corresponding zip at the "tags" link from that page. Sorry, wasn't obvious at the first site.

Thank you, phoque. That works too.

As a follow up. Is there a tutorial on how to update symphony (and extensions) to the latest version?

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