
Hi there, I'm having a bit of trouble understanding the best way to deal with image (or file) uploads.

I saw the extension filemanager which looks like it has lots of advanced functions though I don't believe it's possible to preview an image on upload (until save).

But then I stumbled upon subsection manager (what was Mediathek), this seems to be a more general purpose way of linking sections together but in its screenshots, we can see images.

How do you get to work with images in subsection manager? Do these two extensions have common ground?

What would your general advice be when setting up image uploads?

Thanks for your input!

Subsection Manager is made to attach multiple items from another section to your entries and to offer an inline editor – so linking is the main purpose. It does nothing special regarding image handling besides showing a preview in the list view (if you enable it in the fields settings). The view in the inline editor depends on the fields used in your subsection: if the section uses a field providing image cropping or preview it will be available in the editor, too.

If you think about using Subsection Manager you need to answer two questions:

  • Do you need to add multiple images?
    If yes, Subsection Manager is a good choice, if no, don't use it.
  • Is there an upload/image field that offers what you need?
    If yes, perfect, you'll be able to use it inside Subsection Manager, if no, Subsection Manager won't help you at all.

The most important task is to find a fitting image field. Have a look here:

Thanks Nils for making me understand a bit better.

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