

I just upgraded one of my sites to version 2.3 and noticed that the status message links do not appear.

For example, when I create a new article I get a status message

Entry updated just now

where I guess it should say

Entry updated just now. Create another? View all Entries

What am I missing here?

Edit: I just realize that the two anchors do appear in the HTML, however they are not output to the user.

I've a feeling they're generated via JavaScript - maybe a cache clearing would help in case your browser is still using an old version.

Can you log this on github please?

No, it seems it's not related to Javascript. I just cleared the cache and tried another browser which I hadn't used before. Nothing's changed.

OK, I will.

I should point out though that I have a number other 2.3 installations where the links are displayed perfectly fine.

ok, well it's not a Symphony issue directly then. weird.

Does your console display any errors or warnings?

With console you mean my log file?

No, there's nothing related in there...

Could you post a screenshot, please? Thanks!

I meant the browser javascript console.

OK, here's the screenshot.

The status message has a green background that slowly fades out.

No javascript or other errors are reported in the console.


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