
i've tried this on 2.3 with both the latest file upload as well as michael's unique upload field. i've taken my debugging about as far as i can and could really use a push in the right direction. here is what i've done so far:

  • dumping the output of $file right before line 253 in symphony/lib/toolkit/fields/field.upload.php shows the filename appended to the workspace folder with no leading forward slash or destination under workspace
  • $data shows nothing but the name of the file
  • $this->get('destination'), as well as the entry in sym_fields_uniqueupload both correctly show the destination path of the file

is there anything else i can do to figure out why it's not saving to the correct directory?

You've probably already done this, but...

  1. Check the permissions on the folder, make them 775 as opposed to 755 as advocated.
  2. Check that the owner of the folder is the user that PHP runs under. I find that leaving the owner the same as normal, but changing the group to www-data, along side the permissions change above works well.

I hope it's something simple like this...

this was my first instinct. unfortunately, uploading through the admin works perfectly fine.

Have you definitely set the enctype attribute on your frontend form?

<form... enctype="multipart/form-data">


thanks, nick.

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