
Hey Symphonians!

Just installed the beta - the installation went smooth. I can see the whole front end but I get this when I try to access the back end:

404 ERROR: PAGE NOT FOUND Head back to home or contact me.

The ULR is /symphony/publish/articles/

Any ideas?


Check that the .htaccess was created in /symphony. Without that the front-end rewrite rules will be kicking in. It should look something like this:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteBase /symphony/

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} favicon.ico [NC]
    RewriteRule .* - [S=14]

    ### CHECK FOR TRAILING SLASH - Will ignore files
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/symphony$
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(.*)/$
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /symphony/$1/ [L,R=301]

    ### MAIN REWRITE - This will ignore directories
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule ^(.*)\/$ /symphony/index.php?page=$1&%{QUERY_STRING}        [L]


I have a similar problem. I'm running wampserver 2.0a on a vista computer and after the installation, I get a login page. Then, I try to log in but a get a 404 error : "The requested URL /sym/symphony/publish/articles/ was not found on this server" I don't have access to the front-end either. The page never loads (even no 404 error, just keeps loading or a blank page). It seems that sometimes it adds "www" before localhost for an unknown reason.

Maybe there is some kind of incompatibility or configuration needed with wampserver?

Make sure mod_rewrite is enabled.

Ok, I got 2 working. After much hassle.

Ran the update and I am now getting this 404 error.

There was no .htaccess within the Symphony folder. I do have my backed up .htaccess - should I just transfer that over?

Ok, transferred it over and it seemed to work. But how can I check if I have the updated Symphony?

^^ what a shame, I have forgotten to enable back mod_rewrite when installing the new version of wampserver. Now the back-end is working fine, but the front-end still keeps loading endlessly or loading just a blank page (and always ths "www" trying to appear before localhost). Any idea? does it matter if symphony is installed in a subfolder?


There was no .htaccess within the Symphony folder. I do have my backed up .htaccess - should I just transfer that over?

Step one was a little incomplete. Apologies. Yes, you need to backup the .htaccess so you can put it in the new /symphony folder when you are done.


Symphony should be able to run fine from a subfolder. What does your /symphon/.htaccess look like?

Ok, so how do I check if I am updated?

Pick a bug that was listed on the update and see if they are fixed. If so, then you are updated.

Oh right, so there is no notification like in 1.7?

What notification are you referring to?

Well wasn't there a slideout section that said what version you were on and that it was the most up to date version.


Oh, you mean the status widget? For the beta we will not be worrying about that. The beta is first and foremost a place for Symphony veterans and programmers to help the developers find bugs. It's not meant for general public's consumption. As such, update aids and helpful reminders and such is not included as part of the beta event.

Ah right, fair enough.

Well I am going to be working on a project with 2 soon, be a personal project, and I have to warn you and I'm sure Dru would testify, I have a knack of finding obscure bugs. :)

We're all the more for it :)

We eat bugs for breakfast.

I noticed. I wondered why you never thought about using Lighthouse for the bug squashing. Does Vanilla offer a simple solution?

I'm not sure what you mean. Are you referring to this bug tracker?


This is what I use.

Yes, we know of Lighthouse. It's a great application, we really like it.

What I meant was your remark about Vanilla:

Does Vanilla offer a simple solution?

What do you mean by "a simple solution"?

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Server Requirements

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