
Hi to all! I'm new to Symphony! :D I like it a lot, but i found an issue (for me), that I'm not able to resolve. I'm working on menu and drop-down list. I've seen there are lots of utility that can help me but I've done a little modify to the structure of my website: I created a section called "pagine" ("pages"), where user can create all the pages he/she wants. I created a field in this section called "padre" ("father"), where users can select if a page is child of another, selecting the father's page title. I would like to create a menu with these elements. I also would like that pages with a father are listed in a drop-down list.

I have attached XML code and the relative XSLT that i've written 'till now. There is also commented code, sorry, i tried to solve in more ways!

Can you help me please?

PS: sorry for my English! :(

Hi Dave. :-)

Your XML and XSLT doesn't seem to be included in your post; I'm not sure if that's an issue with this forum or not. But you can include code in your post using Markdown formatting, or link to a Gist or something.

The forum is buggy and doesn't always attach attachments.

Gist links are preferred, or pastie.

Hi Dave,
You can use the code in this tread. I used it on a few websites and also in the ensemble 'symphony demo'. I think it's exacly what you're looking for.

Hi Everyone! I'm sorry for the attached files!Thank's for suggestion! However, @Cremol, you understand a bit what I'm going to create.. I've seen your ensemble (great!). In my template in fact I can create menu, but i can't create the items in submenu.. I try to attach xml code again now... It's a piece of all the code.. My problem is this: I have "parent pages" and "child pages". These first entries are in the menu than user can always see, other entries on the contrary appear "on mouse over" in a submenu under the relative parent entries. I understand I have to control each entry, and visualize the ones that have a specific parent.. But I can't write the XSLT code to do this! :(

I hope you understand me! Thanks!

Schermata 2012-07-23 a 19.04.57.png

Thank you Cremol. I've read calmly tread you post.. Thanks, I think it's what I need! :D I'm trying just now..

Cool, let me know when you need some help... You can copy/paste your code using the code tags on the forum instead of attaching it as an image. (or use gist). That way i can also copy it and do some testing :-)

Thanks for the help! I've done! :D Sorry for the attached files...... I will not attach ever again!

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
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  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
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