Multiselect to checkboxes in 2.3
This is an open discussion with 8 replies, filed under General.
I like the way Fancy Forms change tho look of the SBLs. When you select options, they are displayed as checkboxes. So you see all the selected options at once, which is convinient.
I tried Fancy Forms, too, but didn't think it was ready for 2.3 as nothing seemed to change. Are you using it with 2.2, Nickolas?
You can try this extension:
Is 2.3 ready, it's not exactly what you are looking for but could do the job.
Thanks - that does indeed look like it could do the job.
I've given it a quick try. Do you know why it's not showing optgroups in multiselects? Select2 is capable of it... shall I raise an issue at Github?
Edit: just seen that the extension uses Select2 2.1 - I'll try replacing it with 3.1.
I replaced the following assets from Select2 3.1 and optgroups now show.
select2.css select2.js select2.min.js select2.png spinner.gif
Result. :-)
There's a minor CSS issue or two in both Gecko and Webkit, like the rendering of the search text (not sure if that was like it before). But it all seems usable and functional.
Let me know if you want me to raise an issue or send a pull request for this.
As a minor aside, there are Mac OS system files in the repo and some files seem to have the executable permission stored in Git which could be taken off (chmod 644
). Again, I can tidy up and send a pull request if you like.
Thanks again!
Edit: changes here, but I won't submit a pull request as I haven't properly tested before and after. Let me know if you want me to anyway.
I tried Fancy Forms, too, but didn't think it was ready for 2.3 as nothing seemed to change. Are you using it with 2.2, Nickolas?
Oops! Sorry, I have both - Fancy Forms and Form Select2 installed. Now, I tried to disable Fancy Forms, and nothing changed.
So, what I said before, actually applies to the Form Select2 extension.
And, yes, I'm using 2.3.
[...] didn't think it was ready for 2.3 as nothing seemed to change
That's right, I hadn't time to update Fancy Forms and make it compatible with Symphony 2.3. Frankly I'm not even sure that I'll do it, Chosen and Select2 look better and more mature. ;)
@DavidOliver: Just pushed the changes to use the latest version of select2 plugin. Thank you for your feedback. Please report any issue on the github I will try to fix it as soon as possible, and feel free to make a pull request when you want.
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Is there already a solution to replacing multiselects in Symphony 2.3's backend with checkboxes?
I've tried Multiselect to Checkboxes, but no joy.