
I have a section called Images. I saved an entry and on page reload a PHP error appeared (error #1). But I suspect it's something else because on the index of Images I get this:

#error 2

Any idea what's going on?


Hmm, fixed it ...

My mouse makes a double click from time to time instead of a normal click ... and a textbox field stored 2 values for the same entry, thus driving the system nuts. I deleted the extra row in field's table and it's working fine now.

How come was it possible to store 2 values for same field for same entry?

data[title] = 'foo'
data[title] = 'bar'

Is this an edge case that should be catched when an entry processes data from POST?

e.g. if Entry processed field X, should it skip any subsequent data for field X?

I had (I think) the same issue with a textbox field some time ago. A author clicked twice on the submit button due to a slow internet connection. So maybe we should disable the submit button via JS once it's clicked? Or maybe it's just an issue with the textbox field (and its unique handles)?

So maybe we should disable the submit button via JS once it's clicked?


Or maybe it's just an issue with the textbox field (and its unique handles)?

Other fields: Image Upload, Publish Tabs, Image Croppers. Neither of them duplicated the data.

So maybe we should disable the submit button via JS once it's clicked?

That's not a good idea. It would just hide the real problem.
First we should know what really happens.

Its a textbox field issue, it should have a unique key constraint like the core fields to prevent this from occurring.

Thanks for clarifying. I would patch it if I knew how ..

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