

I'm trying to make a contact form that lets the user select its recipients trough a drop down (or takes it as a parameter from a previous page).

Here is a link to the code:

I've been fooling around trying to get the send-email[recipient] get the Username value from the dropdown. So far it only works when I use a path to website-owner or just static text.

Why doesn't it take the value when passed on by the select?

This is what I get in Firebug when looking at the net tab.

action[save-message] Send Message fields[email] fields[firstname] gdsfgdf fields[message] fsdfasfasfsad fields[name] gdsgsdf fields[recipient] Simon fields[subject] fsdafasdf send-email[body]

send-email[recipient] <<< This field should read 'Simon' send-email[sender-email]
send-email[sender-name] send-email[subject]

help is much appreciated!

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